For this project I wanted to think about the connection string that the randomly generated images had in common. Through the labs and personal experimentation I have found a theme that I find fun. For this project I wanted to depict the concept of “Air Bud” if he had the unfortunate path of a burn out athlete. This is a common issue with some professional athletes when coming into contact with a great sum of money. Randomly through the generating process I had a lock of dogs and cats come about that where doing some adverse activities. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend critique for this project, so I am unsure how other perceive this project. I liked a good bit of the glitch tools although some did not generate in the desired way, but they led to a better understanding of the mechanisms to make the glitch actually add to the story. I think my favorite that I did not really include was data moshing which I will likely do again for fun. Not sure if I will have the desire to use a lot of these techniques in the future, I just do not love the glitch style in general. For a first project I truly enjoyed delving into the Ai softwares that are constantly changing and jerry rigging some ques via other Ai software to better refine a prompt. I hope those who see this on the web before the this statement understand my story, if not feel free to drop a comment below thanks.
DA #2 project 1 AS
Updated: 18 hours ago